
🤖 Ultimate Discord Bot: 🛡️ AutoMod, 🎮 Fun Games, 🎫 Ticket System, ✅ Verification

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Prefix: /

Owner:   wasdawas12

Tags: Moderation, Economy, Verification, Music


Votes: 0

Servers: 0

Shards: 0

<h1 id="introducing-stellar-🚀">Introducing <strong>Stellar</strong> 🚀</h1> <p>The all-in-one Discord bot designed to elevate your server experience! Whether you need powerful <strong>AutoMod</strong> features to keep your community safe 🛡️, fun <strong>games</strong> to engage members 🎮, or a robust <strong>ticket system</strong> to handle support efficiently 🎫, we’ve got you covered. With built-in <strong>verification tools</strong> ✅, customizable moderation, and a suite of other tools, <strong>Stellar</strong> is your go-to bot for making server management simple, fun, and secure. Level up your server today with seamless moderation, user engagement, and so much more! 🌟</p> <hr> <h2 id="changelog"><strong>Changelog:</strong></h2> <h3 id="version-00--initial-release-🚀"><strong>Version 0.0</strong> – Initial Release 🚀</h3> <ul> <li>Basic moderation features implemented.</li> <li>Ticket system and verification introduced.</li> <li>Basic fun games added.</li> </ul> <h3 id="version-05--quality-of-life-improvements-✨"><strong>Version 0.5</strong> – Quality of Life Improvements ✨</h3> <ul> <li>Improved AutoMod detection for spam and bad behavior.</li> <li>Added new commands for moderation ease.</li> <li>Minor bug fixes.</li> </ul> <h3 id="version-10--feature-expansion-🎉"><strong>Version 1.0</strong> – Feature Expansion 🎉</h3> <ul> <li>Added new interactive games.</li> <li>Enhanced ticket system with a better user interface.</li> <li>Bug fixes and performance optimizations.</li> </ul> <h3 id="version-12--bug-fixes-🐞"><strong>Version 1.2</strong> – Bug Fixes 🐞</h3> <ul> <li>Fixed ticket system errors.</li> <li>Patched AutoMod false-positive issues.</li> <li>General stability improvements.</li> </ul> <h3 id="version-13--15--code-revamp--improvements-🛠️"><strong>Version 1.3 – 1.5</strong> – Code Revamp &amp; Improvements 🛠️</h3> <ul> <li>Complete revamp of bot structure for faster performance.</li> <li>Improved moderation tools and game features.</li> <li>Enhanced customization options and user experience.</li> </ul> <p>Stay tuned for more exciting updates and new features!</p>

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