
Prefix: /


Tags: Moderation, Utilities, Gaming, 24-7


Votes: 3

Servers: 24

Shards: 1

<h1 id="welcome-to-bedrock-stats">Welcome to <strong>Bedrock Stats</strong>!</h1> <p><strong><strong>This Discord bot is your ideal companion for managing and monitoring your Minecraft Bedrock Edition server.</strong></strong></p> <h2 id="🔧-key-features">🔧 Key Features</h2> <ol> <li><p><strong>📊 Real-time Status</strong>: Set up a dedicated channel where a message automatically updates to display the real-time status of your Minecraft server. You will always know if your server is online, how many players are connected, and other crucial information.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>🖥️ Console Commands</strong>: Send commands directly from Discord to your in-game Minecraft server console. No need to log into the server to execute commands; everything can be done easily from your Discord channel.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>⚙️ Easy Configuration</strong>: Use the <code>/settings</code> command to access an intuitive configuration menu. With interactive buttons, quickly customize your bot settings to meet your specific needs.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>🗣️ Supported Languages</strong>: The bot supports the following languages: French, English, and Spanish.</p> </li> </ol> <h2 id="📜-commands">📜 Commands</h2> <ul> <li><strong><code>/ip</code></strong>: Displays the IP and port of the configured server.</li> <li><strong><code>/query &lt;ip&gt; &lt;port&gt;</code></strong>: Displays the real-time status of a server.</li> <li><strong><code>/status</code></strong>: Displays the real-time status of the configured server.</li> <li><strong><code>/send &lt;command&gt;</code></strong>: Sends a command to the server console.</li> <li><strong><code>/settings</code></strong>: Opens the configuration menu to customize the bot settings.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Easily and efficiently customize and manage your Minecraft Bedrock Edition servers with Bedrock Stats!</strong></p>

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