Universe List - Bot Requirements

On your bot page, you are not allowed to:

  1. Include spam/junk, or completely irrelevant/nonsensical characters or phrases in your bot description or intentionally use up characters to reach the 250 character limit.
  2. Mention NSFW or include any NSFW content on the bot page (avatar or images).
  3. Show any media/content that may induce seizures (images, gifs, css).
  4. Using your page maliciously against users by either providing or linking to malicious content.
  5. Advertise any competitors (bot/server lists).
  6. Block any essential features, this includes buttons and advertisements.
  7. Use any of the provided buttons to link to unrelated content.
  8. List the incorrect prefix on your bot page.

Bot rules and requirements:

  1. Abide by Universe List's Terms of Service, Discord's Terms of Service, API rate limits and Developer terms.
  2. Must be online during review, public and invitable.
  3. The main feature and majority of the commands must work.
  4. No NSFW content in any bot commands.
  5. May not include any seizure-inducing content (gifs, emojis).
  6. Commands must only require permissions that the command being run needs. (e.g the kick command can only require the kick permission as it's required to be used). Bots cannot require the administrator permission for it to work.
  7. Must not be an unmodified instance or fork of another bot and must have a considerable amount of modification.
  8. Must not be in competition with Universe List.
  9. The term “loli” or any other term that refers to the sexualization of underage children cannot be used anywhere throughout your bot.
  10. Must not have the sole intent of impersonating other bots.
  11. Must not vote lock majority of your bot's commands. We encourage up to 3-5 votelocked commands to allow user flexibility.
  12. Your bot must keep all owner commands locked to developers (e.g evals, status/presence commands and any other commands that may present vulnerabilities with your bot).
  13. Multiple bots that are created using the same or very similar code/features should not be submitted individually. Instead, group them together in your main bot's help command or website page.
  14. Bots cannot ask for user login information (i.e. username/password/token) for any site or service. This does not include API authentication tokens, only user login tokens.